Henvisninger hentet fra annen litteratur


Revue bibliographique de sinologie. - 1958

684. Kanzan shi oyobi kaisetsu. Privately published by Ishii Mitsuo, 1 fasc. and separate introduction. Kamakura, 1958

Collotype reproduction of the poems of Han-shan. The edition reprinted was published in 1325 by the Zen nun Sotaku. It is one of the most precious specimens of the so-called Gozan editions, which were printed by the Zen monasteries in Kyoto. The late Sung edition on which it is based being lost, this print is valuable evidence of a separate textual tradition. The owner of the sole surviving copy, Ishii Mitsuo, reproduced the work to celebrate his 77th year of age. [P. van der Loon

685 Iriya Yoshitaka, Kanzanshi kanki. Toho gakuho 28, pp. 81-138

Appeared almost simultaneously with Wu Chi-hu's A study of Han-shan, TP 1957, pp. 392-450 (cf. TBS 3, No. 682). Fortunately the two articles hardly overlap. Wu, apart from providing translations of fifty of the Han-shan poems, was chiefly concerned with trying to identify the author and with tabulating the Buddhist terms used in the poems to show that they fit in with his attribution of them to the monk Chih-yen; on the other hand Iriya's main concern is to show the connection of the poems with classical poetry from the Ch'u tz'u onwards and also with the moralistic verses attributed to P'ang Wen and Wang Fan-chih. A considerable excursus is devoted to the bibliography of P'ang Chü-shih Yü-lu supplementing the remarks of Maspero in Sur quelques textes anciens de chinois parlé (BEFEO 14,4, 1914). It seems doubtful whether any part of these Yü-lu is as old as Maspero imagined. [A. Waley

Revue bibliographique de sinologie. - 1961

521. Ebara Daisen.  Heiyaku Kanzan shi. - Tokyo : Meitoku shuppansha, 1961. - 235 p

Traductions japonaises littérales et libres de 313 poèmes de Han-shan. Chaque poème est désigné par un titte ajouté et suivi presque toujours de notes. Chaques vers de poème occupe une colonne avec le texte chinois entre les deux traductions. Le traducteur a consulté et suit souvent le Kanzan shi de Ota Teizo (Iwanami bunko, Tokyo, 1934). Cet ouvrage comprend en outre une préface de Yasuoka Masaatsu, plus une étude et un post-scriptum de traducteur. [Wu chi-yu

522. Kimura Eiichi, Kanzan shi ni tsuite. - Nihon Chugoku gakkai ho 13, pp. 51-69

A study of the poetry of Han-shan from the point of view of intellectual history. The sources give a large variety of dates for him, from 633 to the beginning of the ninth century. His poetry does not resemble the poetry of the period, but makes one think more of pre- or early-T'ang poetry (third to sixt century). The author believes, however, following Tsuda Sokichi (RBS 3, No. 777) and Iriya Yoshitaka (RBS 4, no. 685; 5, No. 549), that the poems are probably from the middle or late T'ang. They are by a single author, in spite of their variety. The author quotes about one third of Han-shan's 314 poems and analyses some of them, attempting to give a portrait of his character and of his thought : a comparatively rich farmer, he was marked by Confucianism and Taoism as well as by Ch'an Buddhism and became towards the end of his life, a hermit and seeker of truth [D. Holzman

Henricks. Poetry of Han-shan : Bibliography. - S. 457-467

Fra "Editions consulted":

Hakuin. Kanzanshi sendai kibun I Hakuin Osho zenshu, kap. 4. - Tokyo . Ryugin sha, 1934

Fra "Collected articles on Han-shan":

Chu Ch'uan-yü, ed. Han-shan shih p'ing-ku. - Taipei : T'ien-i, 1982. - 2 vols.

    Articles by Chao Tzu-fan, Hu Tun-yü, Wang Shao-sheng, and others. 7 articles in Vol.1; 9 articles in Vol.2.

Han-shan shi chuan-hao : vol 1. - I Chung-kuo shih chi-k'an. - 3:3, (September 1972)

    Articles by Hu Tun-yü, Kao Yüeh-t'ien, I Ching-ta, and others (5 articles in all)

Han-shan shi chuan-hao : vol 2. - I Chung-kuo shih chi-k'an. - 3:4, (December 1972)

    Articles by Hsü Tuan-fu, Chung Ling, Ch'en Ting-huan, and others (8 articles in all).

Han-shan shi chuan-hao : vol 3. - I Chung-kuo shih chi-k'an. - 4:1, (March 1973)

   Articles by Hu Tun-yü, Chao Tzu-fan, Kao Yüeh-t'ien, and others (6 articles in all).

Han-shan shi chuan-hao : vol 4. - I Chung-kuo shih chi-k'an. - 4:3, (September 1973)

    Articles by Yü Chia-hsi, Ts'ao Ch'ien-i, Wang Shao-sheng, and others (9 articles in all).

Fra "Other studies":

Chao Tzu-fan. Han-shan ti shih-tai ching-shen. - Taipei, 1970

Chung Ling. Han-shan tsai tung-fang ho hsi-fang wen-hsüeh-chieh ti ti-wei. - I Chung-yang jih-pao. - March 8, 1970