English: This list contains litterature that I have actually used. I have also collected some references to unseen literature!
Dette er litteratur jeg har brukt. I tillegg har jeg laget en liste over litteratur jeg ikke har sett: Henvisninger.
Han-shan shih san pai san shou. - S. 9063-9102 I 全唐詩 = Chüan T'ang shih. - b. 23. - Beijing, 1980 (1. utg 1703)( CTS)
寒山拾得诗 = Han-shan-tzu shih-chi. - [2. rev. utg.]. - 60 bl. - Shanghai : Commercial Press, 1929. - (四部叢刊 = Ssu-pu ts'ung-k'an ch'u-pien)( SPTK)
全唐詩索引. 寒山, 拾得卷 = Quan Tang shi suo yin. Hanshan, Shide juan
Beijing : She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she, 1993. - 296 s.
ISBN 9787800503535
Konkordans Han-shan og Shih-de's dikt
Hanshanshi. -
International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism.
Nr 004 på denne siden er en zipet fil med en versjon av Hanshanshi.
Blyth, R.H. . Three Zen poets : Han Shan.. - S. 130-134 I Zen and Zen classics / R.H. Blyth
Carré, Patrick. Le Mangeur de brumes : l'æuvre de Han-shan poète et vagabond. - Paris : Phébus, 1985. - 425 s.
Henricks, Robert G. . The poetry of Han-Shan : a complete annotated translation of Cold Mountain. - Albany : State University of New York Press, 1990. - x, 486 s. - (SUNY series in buddhist studies)
Jaeger, Georgette. Han Shan : ermite taoïste, bouddhiste, zen . - <Bruxelles> : Thanh-Long, c1985. - 101 s.
Pimpaneau, Jacques. Le Clodo du Dharma : 25 poemes de Han-shan. - Paris, 1975
Schumacher, Stephan . 150 Gedichte vom Kalten Berg . - Düsseldorf : Diederichs, 1980. - 177 s
Snyder, Gary . Riprap & Cold Mountain poems. - San Francisco : Grey Fox, 1980. - 61 s.
Opprinnelig i "Evergreen review" 2:6 (Autumn 1958) s. 68-80.
Stahlberg, Roberta Helmer. - The poems of the Han-shan collection : dissertation. - Ohio State University, 1977. - 192 s.
Stambler, Peter. Encounters with Cold Mountain : poems by Han Shan / modern versions by ... - Beijing, Panda books, 1996. - 149 s
Suzuki, D.T.. Feng-kan I Essays in Zen buddhism. Second series. -London, Rider, 1980. - S. 289
Suzuki, D.T.. Han-shan and Shih-te I Essays in Zen buddhism. Third series. - London, Rider, 1977. - S. 160-161
Wagner, Dorrit. Digte af Han Shan fra den kolde klippe & de tre fra T'ien-tai bjergene. - S. 25-28 I Stupa. - Nr 3, 1980
Waley, Arthur . 27 poems by Han-shan . - S. 3-8 I Encounter. - 3, Sept. 1954
Watson, Burton . Cold Mountain : 100 poems by the T'ang poet Han-shan / translated and with an introduction by Burton Watson. - London : Cape, 1970. - 76 s.
Wu Chi-yu. A study of Han-shan. - S.392-450 I T'oung pao. - Leiden, 1957. - 45(1957)
Anon. One famous monk changed its name, one famous monk made it famous. - S. 18-19 I ? . - Civil Aviation Administration of China
Borgen, Robert. The legend of Hanshan : a neglected source. - S. 575-579. - I Journal of the American Oriental Society. - 111(1991) nr 3
Cat's yawn. - New York : First Zen Institute of America, 1947. 72 s.
Die chinesische Anthologie / überseztungen aus dem Wen hsüan von Erwin von Zach ; edited by Ilse Martin Fang with an introduction by James Robert Hightower. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1958. - 2 b. - (Harvard-Yenching Institute studies ; 18)
Demiéville, Paul. Le tch'an et poésie chinoise. - S. 313-326. - I Hermes : Nouvelle serie. - 4(1985)
Demiéville, Paul. L'oeuvre de Wang le zêlateur : (Wang Fan-tche). Suivi des Instructions domestiques de l'aïeul : (T'ai-kong kia-kiao) : poèmes populaires des T'ang (VIIIe-Xe siècles). - Collège de France, Institut des hautes études chinoises, 1982. - 887 s.
Fackler, Herbert V. Three english versions of Han-shan's Cold Mountain Poems. - S. 269-278. - I Literature East and West. - Vol. 15, no. 2 (1972)
Feifel, Eugen. Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur : mit Berücksichtungung ihres geistesgeschichtlichen Hintergrundes / Eugen Feifel ; dargestellt nach Nagasawa Kikuya : Shina Gakujutsu Bungeishi. - 4. neu bearb. u. erw. Aufl. - Hildesheim : Georg Olm, 1982. - 630 s.
Fung, Sidney S.K.. The poetry of Han-shan in English : a cultural approach. - Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 2001. - 144 s. PDF.
Graham, A.C.. Disputers of the Tao : philosophical argument in ancient China. - La Salle : Open Court, 1989. - x, 502 s.
Graham, A.C.. Studies in chinese philosphy & Philosophical literature. - Singapore : Institute of East Asian Philosphies, 1986. - 435 s.
Hawkes, David. Cold Mountain : 100 poems by the T'ang poet Han-shan. - S. 596-599 I Journal of the American Oriental Society. - 82.4 (1962). - Anmeldelse av Burton Watsons oversettelse.
The I Ching / James Legge. - New York : Dover, 1963. - xxi, 448 s. - (Sacred Books of the East ; 16)
I Ging : text und materialen / Richard Wilhelm. - München : Diederichs, 1990. - 347 s.
Iriya Yoshitaka. Chinese poetry and zen. - S. 54-67 I The Eastern Buddhist. - Vol. VI No. 1 May 1973
Jia Jinhua. A study of the Authentic Author of the Chan Poems in the Collected Poems of Hanshan. - S. 65-90 I Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Vol 22, Taiwan, March 2003. - 2003 nr 3. Kinesisk tekst med engelsk sammendrag. PDF
Klöpsch, Volker. Die Jadesplitter der Dichter : die Welt der Dichtung in der Sicht eines Klassikers der chinesischen Literaturkritik . - Bochum : Brockmeyer, 1983. - 264 s. - (Chinathemen ; 9)
Lang-Tan, Goatkei. Der unauffindbare Einsiedler : eine Untersuchung zu einen Topos der Tang-Lyrik (618-906). - Frankfurt/Main : Haag und Herchen, 1985. - 335 s. - (Heidelberger Schrifen zur Ostasienkunde ; Band 7)
Lapwood, E.R. The sacred mountains of China : T'ien T'ai Shan, a home of buddhist philosophy in China. S. 29-36 I The China Journal, 1935. - 23(1935)
Ling Chung. Whose mountain is this? : Gary Snyder's translation of Han Shan. - S. 93-102. - I Renditions. - 7(1979)
Ling Chung. The reception of Cold Mountains poetry in the Far East and the US. - S. 85-96 I New Asian Academic Bulletin. - Vol 1,1978
Mahaparinirvanasutra Taisho Tripitaka Vol T12, No 375
Mahaparinirvanasutra The Great Parinirvana Sutra. Translation of chap 1-25 in pdf-format.
Nugent, Christopher Michael Brown. The Circulation of poetry in Tang dynasty China. - Cambridge : Harvard University, 2004. - viii, 405 s.
Powell, William F.. The record of Tung-shan. - Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, p1986. - x, 99 s.
Pulleyblank, E.G. Linguistic evidence for the date of Han-shan. - S. 163-195 I Studies in chinese poetry and poetics / ed. by Ronald C. Mioa. - San Francisco : Chinese Materials Center, 1978. - Vol I
Religions of China in practice / edited by Donald S. Lopez, J., red. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1996. - xvi, 499 s.
Sekida, Katsuki. Two zen classics : Mumonkan & Hekiganroku. - New York : Weatherhill, 1977. - 413 s
Robinet, Isabelle. Taoism : growth of a religion / translated by Phyllis Brooks. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 1997 - xx, 296 s.
The songs of the south : an ancient chinese anthology of poems / by Qu Yuan and other poets ; translated, annotated and introduced by Dawid Hawkes. - Harmonsworth : Penguin, 1985. - 352 s.
Stimson, Hugh M. T'ang poetic vocabulary. - New Haven : Far Eastern Publ. Yale University, 1976. - 142 s.
Tao-Yüan-ming (AD 365-427) : his works and their meaning / A.R. Davis. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1983. - 2 b. - (Cambridge studies in Chinese history, literature and institutions)
Wang Fan-Chih shih chi. - S. 2863-2864. - I Taisho vol 85. - No 2864
Wu Chi-yu. Un manuscrit de Touen-houan concernant Wang Fan-Tche. - S. 397-401. - I T'oung pao. - 46